15 Temmuz 2011 Cuma
Music Therapy
Music theraphy is a method of treatment using music to help patients to cope more effectively with their lives and their diffuculties. It is the most widely applied moethod of treatment of children and adults with sensory, physical and learning disabilities, mental health problems and behavioural disturbances, which can be very severe unless they are treated properly. Music proves to be an extraordinary powerful therapeutic tool. The ability and the need to respond to music seems to be innate or inborn. In other words, it doesn't depend on training.
8 Temmuz 2011 Cuma
Beiring Strait
Bering Strait was formed by the water covered the piece of land between the two continents.
beiring strait,
7 Temmuz 2011 Perşembe
Lüfer, hamsi, kalkan / daralıyor zaman...
Lüfer, hamsi, kalkan / daralıyor zaman...: "“Seninki kaç santim?” kampanyası yarım milyon insanın desteğiyle devam ediyor. Denizlerimizin ve balıkların geleceği için, iş işten geçmeden, daha fazla ertelemeden, hemen şimdi eyleme katıl."
Who Really Discovered America
The theory that there were people living in America thirty or fourty thousand years ago has been bolstered, that is supported, by radiocarbon dating. The findings of this method are accurate. In other words, they are correct and exact.
Amerindians suffered from the terror that was wrought by the Spanish. That is to say, the Spanish brought about terror in America. On the other hand, Amerindians were not free from savagery themselves. Their sophisticated are of torture was rather ghastly.
The Europeans killed native people without thinking or caring about the pain they causedi the Europeans wiped them out cruelly.
Amerindians suffered from the terror that was wrought by the Spanish. That is to say, the Spanish brought about terror in America. On the other hand, Amerindians were not free from savagery themselves. Their sophisticated are of torture was rather ghastly.
The Europeans killed native people without thinking or caring about the pain they causedi the Europeans wiped them out cruelly.
Amerindians. Columbus
Origin of The Game of Chess
The origins of chess are not known with certainty but it can easily be seen that the Persians affected the game since it is full of terminology from that language. Foot soldiers in the Persian army were called piyadah, which explains the use of the word pawns in today's game. The Persian chariot was a rukh, which became the rook. The Persian king was the shah. which evolved into the word chess. Shahmati which means 'the king is dead, became the expression checkmate, which signals that one of the players has been successful. In conclusioni the repeated use of Persian words in its terminology shows that chess is of Persian origin.
Chess history,
origin of chess,
Reasons Why People Choose Body-Building
There are three main reasons. The first reason is that they want to be healthy,fit and live a longer life. Studies about that show us that the people who bodybuild are tend to live three to five years longer. Second reason is better appearance.They believe that having muscles enhance their level of appearance, therefore they can develop their social situations and environment. The last reason is bodybuilding supplies employment opportunities for its practitioners. Having a fit and healthy body increases the chance of being hired, especially in works that require more effort. To sum up, bodybuilding enable people to have better appearance, fine health and job oppurtinities.
20 Haziran 2011 Pazartesi
Trees should pruned when there is a good and clear reason for doing so. Pruning involves the cutting away of overgrown and unwanted branches, but if the inexperienced gardener is encouraged by the thought, more damage resulsts from doing it unnecessarily than from leaving the tree to grow in its own way.
Pruning also is done to make sure that trees have a desired shape or size. Pruning makes tree healthier. You can cut disease or dead wood. One result of pruning is that an open wound is left on the tree and this provides an easy entry for disease,so there is a period when the tree is at risk. It should be goal of every gardener to reduce that risk as much as possible.
Pruning is usually done in winter, for then you can see the shape of the tree clearly without interference from the leaves and it is, too, very unlikely that the cuts you make will bleed, and therefore painting will not be necessary.
Pruning also is done to make sure that trees have a desired shape or size. Pruning makes tree healthier. You can cut disease or dead wood. One result of pruning is that an open wound is left on the tree and this provides an easy entry for disease,so there is a period when the tree is at risk. It should be goal of every gardener to reduce that risk as much as possible.
Pruning is usually done in winter, for then you can see the shape of the tree clearly without interference from the leaves and it is, too, very unlikely that the cuts you make will bleed, and therefore painting will not be necessary.
18 Haziran 2011 Cumartesi
Darwin Ruined By Cyclone Tracy
Almost twenty five thousand people had to be evacuated city of Darwin,devastated by a cyclone with 165m.p.h (264 kmh) on Christmas Day of 1975. This incident show us power of wind in term of destruction. The people living in Darwin used to be accustomed to cyclone warnings, therefore they hadn't paid attention to these warnings. In fact, some people died in their cars due to trying to drive home through the cyclone from Christmas parties and social calls. The reason why people ignore the alerts is the fact that there is not such a big cyclone after the Townsville tragedy in December 1971. The all other cyclones had hit the coastal towns. However, in 1975, it doesn't happen unfortunately. Apart from a number of people killed in their cars, nearly all the other victims died in the wreck of their homes , which, despite the fact that Darwin lies in the recognised cyclone belti hadn't been built to withstand cyclonic winds. Although building standarts in other states of Australia were made much stricter after the disaster at Townsville. In other words, the buildings in Darwin was built of wood and corrugated iron. As a result, many people were killed by flying sheets of iron from the roofs.
6 Haziran 2011 Pazartesi
Globalisation process has affected all aspects of the world population since it has challenged national, cultural and economic boundaries. The issue of whether this process has been beneficial or detrimental is widely debated. Although the proponents of globalisation argue that it reduces poverty and increases wealth, I believe that this process has been detrimental since multinational companies empowered by globalisation damage local economies and abuse labor force and the gap between the rich and the poor has become wider. To begin with, multinational companies harm economies and people. Companies operating in various countries are not supposed to pay taxes to the local governments, which causes economic loss for the states. Moreover, these companies take advantage of poor economic conditions in developing or underdeveloped countries by giving extremely low wages to workers including children. To illustrate, Foxconn, producer of Apple and Dell appliances, make workers in their Chinese plant work over twenty hours a day. Secondly, as a result of globalisation the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. The priviliged minority holding over 90% of the world’s wealth give priority to profit-making and disregard well-being of the world population. In addition, conductors of globalisation process; that is, IMF and WB, destroy the local economies of developing nations by imposing harsh debt-lending policies. As a result, the countries suffering from debt spiral gradually become poorer. Yet/ However, the proponents of globalisation urge that it lessens the poverty and enhance the wealth. This argument is obviously not true. When the growing prosperity of the rich minority and the diminishing income of the lower classes are considered, it can clearly be seen that the argument of supporters is imcompatible with the reality. To sum up, it is essential that the process of globalised be radically reformed in favour of the world’s majority.
8 Mayıs 2011 Pazar
Environmentally Safe Automobiles "Green Cars"
Auto makers are working hard to produce cars that cause less pollution. Their long-term aim is to make zero-emisson vehicles (ZEV) to comply with new state laws. The car companies can reach their goal, such as designing cars that burn less fueli tuning engines so that they burn cleaner fuels and producing electric cars that dont burn any fuel. However, none of these solutions is perfect and all of them are expensive. Although everyone agrees that there are no simple solutionsi more and more states are adopting stricter antipollution laws.
7 Mayıs 2011 Cumartesi
New Planet May Support Life
The first discovery which was made by astronomers of San Francisco State University that might be able to support life. Founded, the planet is in the constellation of Virgo, six times the size of Jupiter and it orbits 70' Virgins. Because the planet has a surface temperature of about 185' F , experts believe it could have liquid water. Scientists are very excited about this discovery because whenever they find water, they will find life.
Overpopulation in big cities
The problem of overpopulation in big cities, which stems from uncontrolled migration from rural areas and high birth-rate, is a severe problem as it results in depletion of sources, unemployment, homelessness and lower standards of living. Controlling the birth-rate and more investment in rural areas are two of the most commonly proposed solutions to this problem. ( two solutions can be recommended to overcome this problem) Firstly, it is imperative that the birth rate be reduced by educating people and supplying them with methods of contraception. Once parents become aware of the methods as to (regarding) how they can plan their pregnancy periods, they will be able to avoid unexpected pregnancies and limit the number of children. This way, the population in families and in the cities will go down. The only difficulty concerning this solution is the fact that traditional, religious and cultural backgrounds of certain segments of society might make them reluctant to apply this solution.
Secondly, it can be recommended that more investment in the fields of education, health and industry be made in rural areas. If rural population were able to access health services, educational facilities and employment opportunities, they would not prefer to migrate to major cities. Such a decline in the rate of migration would certainly result in a decrease in the population of big cities. One good point regarding this solution is that it might eliminate the problem of overpopulation permenantly. However, it requires a long time to implement this solution. In conclusion, if we desire to live in less densely-populated cities, both birth control and investment in rural areas should be put into effect.
1st solution: controlling the birth-rate by educating people and supplying them with methods of contraception.
2nd solution: investing in rural areas in the fields of education, health and industry.
big cities,
Discrimination against homosexuals
Discrimination against homosexuals, which is called as homophobia, is a serious problem since this biased attitude towards people of different sexual orientations causes such people to be deprived of basic rights such as access to education, employment opportunities. (This problem can be solved through implementation of two possible solutions.) The problem of discrimination against homosexuals can be overcome through application of two possible solutions. Firstly, a provision which regards discrimination against people of different sexual orientation as a crime should be added(drafted) to the constitution. Such an amendment would encourage discriminated individuals to fight for their rights. As a result of this, biased institutions and individuals could be forced to revise their opinions and behaviours regarding sexual minorities. Consequently, discrimination offences will be diminished. However, one weakness concerning this solutions is that an amendment in the constitution may not be enough(sufficient-adequate) to change established prejudices. For that reason, it is vital that this solution be reinforced by other implementations. Secondly, it is essential anti-discrimination courses be designed to be embedded in the cirriculum by the ministry of education. If the ministry apply this solution, pupils will be exposed to egalitarian(unbiased) ideas from an early age onwards. Thus, new generation will become more open-minded and tolerant towards differences. As a result, discriminatory practices and attitudes will gradually be eroded. Nonetheless, it would take time for the new generation to become adults, which means that this solution does not provide a practical and immediate remedy to the problem. Despite the fact that it does not produce immediate results, this solution might change the mindset of the society radically in a positive way. To conclude, despite the weaknesses (drawbacks) each solution has, if they are implemented together, a long-term and effective result could be achieved.
To sum up, homophobia can be overcome through changes in laws and the mentality of society.
29 Nisan 2011 Cuma
The American Universities
America has the greatest educational system. For instance, the 17 universities of 20 universities in world is in the USA, although the first universities establish in europe.
american universities
25 Nisan 2011 Pazartesi
Virtual Reality
Virtual reality is a computer simulations of reality that are very similar to real-life experience. This is a huge system. To enter virtual reality, you have to tahe special head-mounted display which enables you to see the images as three dimensional 3D and hear the sounds. When you turn your head other side, computer set the image that where you turn. Also, there is a glove that gives you sense of what you touch. It is exciting and advanced technology.
This system is used for medical training such as making a surgeon and used for training pilots. It has no risk and it's easy. It can be used to help people overcom irrational fears such as scared of spiders. For instance, you set the wild in VR, and people who are scared enter the machine. And they are getting used to what they scared about with time.
This system is used for medical training such as making a surgeon and used for training pilots. It has no risk and it's easy. It can be used to help people overcom irrational fears such as scared of spiders. For instance, you set the wild in VR, and people who are scared enter the machine. And they are getting used to what they scared about with time.
virtual reality
24 Nisan 2011 Pazar
Higgs Boson - What Happened in CERN?
I red news about the article. In CERN, it estimated that there is a progress in Higgs Boson which is in the most dominant theory in particle physics, and the scientist think that 'Why a substance have gravity?' can be answered with this Higgs Boson.
Some other who are scientist too (I dont remember their names) think that there can be more progress and scientist in Cern could find another substance different from Higgs Boson.
While these speculations keep their mystery, there is not an certain explanation.
Some other who are scientist too (I dont remember their names) think that there can be more progress and scientist in Cern could find another substance different from Higgs Boson.
While these speculations keep their mystery, there is not an certain explanation.
Higgs Boson,
particle physics
23 Nisan 2011 Cumartesi
China's Space Works
China had a plan that send their first astronauts into orbit on its Shenzhou spacecraft. They did it in 2003 i guess. So they are the third country which sent astronaut into space after the USA and Russia. However, their plans are different than the USA and Russia. Unlike they, China plan to send two or three astronaut in the orbit. USA and Russia send just one astronaut into orbit. In addition, China's aerospace engineers thought to construct a colony on Mars and they are in progress now.
Space programs are being controlled by military. They keep secret what the program details,budgets. They dont see the USA and Russia as a rival. Russia hasn't already showed any improvement after the demolition of Soviets. Thet think that the USA went to moon to plant a flag and it don't have any contribution to science. They will study on helium-3 which may be prove to be a clean fuel of choice when used in special nuclear reactions.
According to the experts, China's budget is one-fifth of NASA budgets. At $1.3 - $3 billion dollars. I think they really want to leader in the space.
Space programs are being controlled by military. They keep secret what the program details,budgets. They dont see the USA and Russia as a rival. Russia hasn't already showed any improvement after the demolition of Soviets. Thet think that the USA went to moon to plant a flag and it don't have any contribution to science. They will study on helium-3 which may be prove to be a clean fuel of choice when used in special nuclear reactions.
According to the experts, China's budget is one-fifth of NASA budgets. At $1.3 - $3 billion dollars. I think they really want to leader in the space.
22 Nisan 2011 Cuma
Apolipoprotein E4 - Cause of Ageing, Alzheimer
This protein has an association with nerve cell that is responsible for ageing faster than the other cells. One - fourth of people who carry this gene have risk of Alzheimer, cardiovascular disease and amnesia (memory loss).
North Carolina's Duke University Medical Center is the place where researches had been done. According to the leader of study researchers say that The earlist and most consistent actions are happening in the frontal lobe of brain. Therefore, most of mental symptoms of ageing is resulted from a problem in the frontal lobe of brain.
To explain the studies, test subjects are aged between 55 and 85. They were seperated into two groups, based on whether carried APOE4 or not. They were taken memory tests to obtain their NAA ( N-acetylsparate), a brain cell conceived to be associated with nerve cells and thus with mental specificasion. A undergroup of the participants was given more memory test again after two years. The studies indicated that those who have lower NAA levels before had greater loss of short term memory and manimg abilities.Those who dont have APOE4 showed great progress than the others within this protein. It was the big progress in the science.
They learned what the cause of ageing, so perhaps one day will be develop treatment for these diseases.
North Carolina's Duke University Medical Center is the place where researches had been done. According to the leader of study researchers say that The earlist and most consistent actions are happening in the frontal lobe of brain. Therefore, most of mental symptoms of ageing is resulted from a problem in the frontal lobe of brain.
To explain the studies, test subjects are aged between 55 and 85. They were seperated into two groups, based on whether carried APOE4 or not. They were taken memory tests to obtain their NAA ( N-acetylsparate), a brain cell conceived to be associated with nerve cells and thus with mental specificasion. A undergroup of the participants was given more memory test again after two years. The studies indicated that those who have lower NAA levels before had greater loss of short term memory and manimg abilities.Those who dont have APOE4 showed great progress than the others within this protein. It was the big progress in the science.
They learned what the cause of ageing, so perhaps one day will be develop treatment for these diseases.
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