29 Nisan 2011 Cuma

The American Universities

America has the greatest educational system. For instance, the 17 universities of 20 universities in world is in the USA, although the first universities establish in europe.

25 Nisan 2011 Pazartesi

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a computer simulations of reality that are very similar to real-life experience. This is a huge system. To enter virtual reality, you have to tahe special head-mounted display which enables you to see the images as three dimensional 3D and hear the sounds. When you turn your head other side, computer set the image that where you turn. Also, there is a glove that gives you sense of what you touch. It is exciting and advanced technology.

This system is used for medical training such as making a surgeon and  used for training pilots. It has no risk and it's easy. It can be used to help people overcom irrational fears such as scared of spiders. For instance, you set the wild in VR, and people who are scared enter the machine. And they are getting used to what they scared about with time.

24 Nisan 2011 Pazar

Higgs Boson - What Happened in CERN?

I red news about the article. In CERN, it estimated that there is a progress in Higgs Boson which is in the most dominant theory in particle physics, and the scientist think that 'Why a substance have gravity?' can be answered with this Higgs Boson.

Some other who are scientist too (I dont remember their names) think that there can be more progress and scientist in Cern could find another substance different from Higgs Boson.

While these speculations keep their mystery, there is not an certain explanation.

23 Nisan 2011 Cumartesi

China's Space Works

China had a plan that send their first astronauts into orbit on its Shenzhou spacecraft. They did it in 2003 i guess. So they are the third country which sent astronaut into space after the USA and Russia. However, their plans are different than the USA and Russia. Unlike they, China plan to send two or three astronaut in the orbit. USA and Russia send just one astronaut into orbit. In addition, China's aerospace engineers thought to construct a colony on Mars and they are in progress now.

Space programs are being controlled by military. They keep secret what the program details,budgets. They dont see the USA and Russia as a rival. Russia hasn't already showed any improvement after the demolition of Soviets. Thet think that the USA went to moon to plant a flag and it don't have any contribution to science. They will study on helium-3 which may be prove to be a clean fuel of choice when used in special nuclear reactions.

According to the experts, China's budget is one-fifth of NASA budgets. At $1.3 - $3 billion dollars. I think they really want to leader in the space.

22 Nisan 2011 Cuma

Apolipoprotein E4 - Cause of Ageing, Alzheimer

This protein has an association with nerve cell that is responsible for ageing faster than the other cells. One - fourth of people who carry this gene have risk of Alzheimer, cardiovascular disease and amnesia (memory loss).

North Carolina's Duke University Medical Center is the place where researches had been done. According to the leader of study researchers say that The earlist and most consistent actions are happening in the frontal lobe of brain. Therefore, most of mental symptoms of ageing is resulted from a problem in the frontal lobe of brain.

To explain the studies, test subjects are aged between 55 and 85. They were seperated into two groups, based on whether carried APOE4 or not. They were taken memory tests to obtain their NAA ( N-acetylsparate), a brain cell conceived to be associated with nerve cells and thus with mental specificasion. A undergroup of the participants was given more memory test again after two years. The studies indicated that those who have lower NAA levels before had greater loss of short term memory and manimg abilities.Those who dont have APOE4 showed great progress than the others within this protein. It was the big progress in the science.

They learned what the cause of ageing, so perhaps one day will be develop treatment for these diseases.