8 Mayıs 2011 Pazar
Environmentally Safe Automobiles "Green Cars"
Auto makers are working hard to produce cars that cause less pollution. Their long-term aim is to make zero-emisson vehicles (ZEV) to comply with new state laws. The car companies can reach their goal, such as designing cars that burn less fueli tuning engines so that they burn cleaner fuels and producing electric cars that dont burn any fuel. However, none of these solutions is perfect and all of them are expensive. Although everyone agrees that there are no simple solutionsi more and more states are adopting stricter antipollution laws.
7 Mayıs 2011 Cumartesi
New Planet May Support Life
The first discovery which was made by astronomers of San Francisco State University that might be able to support life. Founded, the planet is in the constellation of Virgo, six times the size of Jupiter and it orbits 70' Virgins. Because the planet has a surface temperature of about 185' F , experts believe it could have liquid water. Scientists are very excited about this discovery because whenever they find water, they will find life.
Overpopulation in big cities
The problem of overpopulation in big cities, which stems from uncontrolled migration from rural areas and high birth-rate, is a severe problem as it results in depletion of sources, unemployment, homelessness and lower standards of living. Controlling the birth-rate and more investment in rural areas are two of the most commonly proposed solutions to this problem. ( two solutions can be recommended to overcome this problem) Firstly, it is imperative that the birth rate be reduced by educating people and supplying them with methods of contraception. Once parents become aware of the methods as to (regarding) how they can plan their pregnancy periods, they will be able to avoid unexpected pregnancies and limit the number of children. This way, the population in families and in the cities will go down. The only difficulty concerning this solution is the fact that traditional, religious and cultural backgrounds of certain segments of society might make them reluctant to apply this solution.
Secondly, it can be recommended that more investment in the fields of education, health and industry be made in rural areas. If rural population were able to access health services, educational facilities and employment opportunities, they would not prefer to migrate to major cities. Such a decline in the rate of migration would certainly result in a decrease in the population of big cities. One good point regarding this solution is that it might eliminate the problem of overpopulation permenantly. However, it requires a long time to implement this solution. In conclusion, if we desire to live in less densely-populated cities, both birth control and investment in rural areas should be put into effect.
1st solution: controlling the birth-rate by educating people and supplying them with methods of contraception.
2nd solution: investing in rural areas in the fields of education, health and industry.
big cities,
Discrimination against homosexuals
Discrimination against homosexuals, which is called as homophobia, is a serious problem since this biased attitude towards people of different sexual orientations causes such people to be deprived of basic rights such as access to education, employment opportunities. (This problem can be solved through implementation of two possible solutions.) The problem of discrimination against homosexuals can be overcome through application of two possible solutions. Firstly, a provision which regards discrimination against people of different sexual orientation as a crime should be added(drafted) to the constitution. Such an amendment would encourage discriminated individuals to fight for their rights. As a result of this, biased institutions and individuals could be forced to revise their opinions and behaviours regarding sexual minorities. Consequently, discrimination offences will be diminished. However, one weakness concerning this solutions is that an amendment in the constitution may not be enough(sufficient-adequate) to change established prejudices. For that reason, it is vital that this solution be reinforced by other implementations. Secondly, it is essential anti-discrimination courses be designed to be embedded in the cirriculum by the ministry of education. If the ministry apply this solution, pupils will be exposed to egalitarian(unbiased) ideas from an early age onwards. Thus, new generation will become more open-minded and tolerant towards differences. As a result, discriminatory practices and attitudes will gradually be eroded. Nonetheless, it would take time for the new generation to become adults, which means that this solution does not provide a practical and immediate remedy to the problem. Despite the fact that it does not produce immediate results, this solution might change the mindset of the society radically in a positive way. To conclude, despite the weaknesses (drawbacks) each solution has, if they are implemented together, a long-term and effective result could be achieved.
To sum up, homophobia can be overcome through changes in laws and the mentality of society.
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